Pilots flying to MKJS Montego Bay, runway 07/25 will be closed due to work in progress in an area bounded by coordinates. For more information, see the following NOTAM:
A0238/23 - RWY 07/25 CLSD DUE WIP IN AREA BOUNDED BY COORD: 182954.76N0775532.55W
- 182955.46N0775530.91W - 182953.89N0775530.85W - 182953.44N0775531.97W
- 182954.76N0775532.55W. RWY NOT AVBL FOR EMERG LDG. TUE SAT SUN 0100 - 1100,
01 AUG 01:00 2023 UNTIL 24 AUG 11:00 2023. CREATED: 01 AUG 00:08 2023

CST Flight Services (Formerly: Caribbean Sky Tours)