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Posted By: CST Flight Services UPDATE - Costa Rica ATC strike - 11/04/16 08:30 PM
The ATC staff have not yet gone on strike. The issue is not pay related. The Costa Rican government has passed a new law stating that if an Air Traffic Controller allows an aircraft to take off that contains a passenger who was not authorized by immigration to depart then they will be held personally liable and fined US$ 10,000.

Controllers are protesting that they have no control over immigration matters and have no means of knowing the immigration and police status of the passengers on an aircraft they are controlling. Therefore, before clearing an aircraft to depart, they are now requiring a written statement from the airport immigration authorities stating that all passengers on board an aircraft have been approved for departure. This is causing delays at all international airports as local airport immigration staff are not prepared for this turn of events.

Yes, really.....
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